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Wild Pigeons (Ectopistes Migratorius).
- The Autumn sky is fleck'd with gold,
- As slow the westering sun declines,
- The floating clouds' ensanguin'd fold
- With a resplendent glory shines;
- And as the glimmering shadows creep
- Across the fading landscape's breast
- And o'er the purpling mountain's sweep,
- The drowsy breezes sink to rest.
- As slow the westering sun declines,
- The roe-buck to his thicket goes,
- Where dense the wood its covert throws
- The red stag that had paused to drink
- Beside the rivulet's plashy brink
- Exhausted flings his dappled side
- Along the cool, transparent tide
- 'Tis there the pigeons seek the wood
- To roost, a blue-wing'd, fluttering brood.
- Where dense the wood its covert throws
- Deep in Wisconsin wilderness,
- In forests dim of Michigan,
- The bending boughs their bosoms press,
- The air their clanging pinions fan.
- So vast their numbers, hunters say
- They sweep the bough and break the spray,
- And oft their startled millions rise
- With roar, like thunder of the skies.
- In forests dim of Michigan,
- Years since, in wild woods of the East,
- They gathered to the harvest feast;
- They swarm'd by river and by shore,
- In vast flocks flew the pastures o'er;
- They swept, innumerable, the plain,
- Gleaning the corn-field and the grain
- Then, winging to some wood their flight,
- Settled in roosting-place for night.
- They gathered to the harvest feast;
- When emigration, toward the West,
- In restless emulation press'd,
- And ax and plow, and farmer's toil,
- Open'd the furrows of the soil;
- And myriad acres of the wheat
- Yellow'd in Summer's sultry heat;
- And bearded rye and golden corn
- Shook their bright tresses to the morn
- Then, to these sumptuous pastures new
- These wing'd, devouring robbers flew.
- In restless emulation press'd,
- When June, with rose-red cheeks aglow,
- Broadcast, wild strawberries doth strow;
- When August, on the sun-bright hills,
- With nectar the ripe blueberry fills;
- O'er all the heated pasture pours
- The blackberry in honied stores;
- And ripens on the swinging vine
- The grapes, like amethysts that shine
- Then to this rich, luxurious fare,
- So prodigal, the flocks repair,
- Rejoicing in the festival
- That bounteous Nature yields to all.
- Broadcast, wild strawberries doth strow;
The Loon.
- A lake dark and lonely, from Nature's own hand,
- Midst high towering mountains, wild, savage and grand,
- Lies hidden secure, in its framework of green,
- And reflects every object rock, forest and stream.
- From its dark surface oft, at close of the day,
- Comes a cry, loud and shrill, from a far distant bay.
- Midst high towering mountains, wild, savage and grand,
- The sweet, timid doe, from the fastnesses still,
- Seeks its lone sandy shore, to wander at will;
- To nip tender lily leaves, bright grasses green,
- And to playfully wander, a brown forest queen.
- She listens! Again comes the sound loud and clear,
- In shrill clarion tones to her listening ear.
- Seeks its lone sandy shore, to wander at will;
- The lone hunter sleeping 'neath rough-slant of bark,
- In the shade of the forest trees, sombre and dark,
- Is roused from his slumber when daybreak is near;
- With his head raised he listens! What sound strikes his ear?
- Far off on the lake, 'mid the darkness and gloom,
- He hears through the forest the cry of the loon.
- In the shade of the forest trees, sombre and dark,
- With voice of a fiend comes that sound from the gloom,
- Now laughing, now shrieking, like ghost from the tomb;
- Now taunting, now crying, now screaming like mad,
- As he rocks on the waves of the lake, free and glad.
- He rouses the wolf from his brush tangled lair,
- And laughs, Ha! ha! ha! in the lightning's red glare.
- Now laughing, now shrieking, like ghost from the tomb;
- At crack of the rifle, down under the wave
- Like a flash he is gone to a watery grave?
- No, no! See, he rises and shakes his black wing,
- And he floats free as air; on the wave he is king.
- Yes, king of the solitude, king of the wave,
- Then hurrah for the bird so blithesome and brave.
- Like a flash he is gone to a watery grave?
- When the Storm King's abroad and wild breakers dash,
- Oh, he laughs and he screams at the thunder's loud crash;
- In the elements dire he is king of the wave,
- The wind and the waters his black plumage lave,
- Then hurrah for the bird of the wilderness wild,
- In darkness and tempest thou'rt Nature's own child.
- Oh, bird of the woods and the waters so wild,
- Thy praises I'll chant, thou true Nature's child.
- Oh, he laughs and he screams at the thunder's loud crash;
Windsor, Conn., April 7, 1878.
Balsam. May 9, 1878. Forest and Stream & Rod and Gun 10(14): 1.Chickaree.
- In a wide-spreading tree
- A spry chickaree
- With heart full of glee,
- A spry chickaree
- Had chattered a noisy good-morning;
- And seemed in his fun
- To be telling some one
- Of the work he had done
- To be telling some one
- His nest in the branches adorning.
- A bright squirrel guest
- He had brought to his nest,
- And was doing his best
- A bright squirrel guest
- In showing his snug little dwelling;
- He had said in his pride
- He would like to reside
- With her as a bride,
- He would like to reside
- And that is the tale he was telling.
- So high in the beach,
- So far out of reach,
- So cosy for each,
- So high in the beach,
- And a brown-thrush too for a neighbor;
- She could hear the bird sing
- While nuts he would bring
- Or any sweet thing,
- While nuts he would bring
- And love would thus hallow his labor.
- They could see the sun set,
- And tell how they met,
- And would never regret
- They could see the sun set,
- The day they had started together,
- To work and to play,
- From danger away,
- From day unto day,
- From danger away,
- Whatever the season or weather.
- The gay little guest
- Accepted the nest
- She thought it was best
- The gay little guest
- Where the beautiful branches were spreading;
- And tho' coy and demure,
- Heart willing and pure,
- Said "Yes" to her wooer,
- Heart willing and pure,
- And the wood-bells rang out for a wedding.
- In the wide-spreading tree
- They sing "Chickaree"
- With hearts full of glee,
- In the wide-spreading tree
- And chatter a noisy good morning;
- While he in his way,
- Light-hearted and gay,
- Is seeming to say,
- Light-hearted and gay,
- Her love now his home is adorning.
- For Forest and Stream and Rod and Gun
The American Eagle.
- Monarch of the realms supernal,
- Ranging over land and sea;
- Symbol of the great Republic,
- Who so noble and free!
- Thine the boundless fields of ether,
- Heaven’s abyss unfathom’d thine,
- Far beyond our feeble vision,
- On thy bars its sunbeams shine!
- Borne on iron-banded pinion,
- On from pole to pole you sweep;
- O’er sea islands, craggy mountains,
- O’er the hoarse-resounding deep.
- Now, thy fanning plumes o’ershadow,
- Northern cliff and ice-berg grim;
- Now, o’er southern, soft savannahs,
- With unflagging circuits skim.
- He that feeds the tender raven
- And the sea bird of the rock,
- Tempers the inclement breezes
- To the shorn and bleating flock,
- Leads thee o’er the wastes of ocean,
- Guides o’er savage flood and wood,
- And from bounteous nature’s store house
- Feeds they clamoring, hungry brood.
- O’er the mountains of Caucasus;
- Over Appenine and Alp;
- Over Rocky Mounts, Cordilleras;
- O’er the Andes’ herbless scalp;
- High above those snowy summits,
- Where no living thing abides,
- He, that notes the falling sparrow,
- Feeds the, fosters thee, and guides.
- Thou wingest where a tropic sky
- Bends o’er thee its celestial dome;
- Where sparkling waters greet the eye,
- And gentlest breezes fan the foam;
- Where spicy breath from groves of palm,
- Laden with aromatic balm,
- Blows over, mingled with perfume
- Of luscious fruit and honeyed bloom;
- Green shores, adorned with drooping woods;
- Gay grottoes, island solitudes;
- Savannahs, where palmettos screen
- The Indian’s hut with living green,
- Behold thy pinions as they sweep,
- Careering in the upper deep.
The Sea Gull.
- Sea-bird! Skimmer of the wave!
- Whither doth thy journey tend?
- Is it to some southern shore,
- Where the meadow-rushes bend,
- Where the orange-blossoms blow,
- Where the aloe and the palm
- Flourish, and magnolias glow,
- Filling all the air with balm?
- Haply, is thy pilgrim wing
- Flitting to some northern bar,
- Where the rocky reef runs out
- And the sand beach stretches far?
- There in hot and silvery sand
- All thy pearly eggs to lay,
- There to teach thy little brood
- O'er the breaking surf to play.
- Haply, sailing o'er the brine,
- Painted 'gainst the lurid sky;
- O'er the gray horizon's verge
- Thou dost even now descry
- Some lone bark with shatter'd mast,
- Bulwarks swept and tatter'd sail,
- Fighting with the ocean blast
- Lost and shipwreck'd in the gale!
- Restless, roving, lonely bird!
- Wandered of the pathless seas;
- Now where tropic woods are stirr'd,
- Now where drifting icebergs freeze;
- Seldom doth the solid shore
- See thy folded pinions droop;
- Only waves, that tumbling pour,
- Lure thee from thy airy sweep.
- Original
- Wild Turkey. (Meleagris gallopavo.)
- The purpling twilight's melting blue,
- Is fading with its transient hue,
- The red cloud that erewhile did float
- The heavenly vault like painted boat,
- Now with a denser shadow creeps
- Across the darkening upper deeps.
- The glow that late the river's tide
- With its encrimonson'd blushes dyed,
- Hath vanish'd, and the rushing flood
- Flow gloomy past the bordering wood;
- Now to their roosts wild turkeys stray,
- And ambush'd hunters seek their prey.
- This wandering, shy, secluded bird,
- This roamer of the forest-ground,
- Thro' all the western wilderness,
- In dense, embowering haunt is found.
- In all the groves that shade the shores,
- Of Mississippi's swelling flood,
- And where the grand Missouri pours,
- Thro' every dim and tangled wood,
- In multitudes immense they roam
- Afar from human step and home.
- So shy, that scarce the hunter's gun
- May harm them, bursting on the wing,
- So fleet, that scarce pursuing steed
- Its rider within shot may bring;
- But only may he lie in wait
- Like bandit watching for his game
- And lure the victims to their fate
- The whistling ball, the rifle-flame.
- Seek them where gloomy shadows fall
- Beneath the forests grim and tall,
- In the deep alder-brakes, or where
- The dark pines lift their spears in air,
- And there where slow a streamlet creeps,
- Or swift through bushy ravine sweeps,
- Hid in the ferns that droop around,
- Your call deceptive, cautious sound;
- Soon you will hear the answering note,
- From the embowering thickets float,
- Soon will you see the noble game
- Step forth then steady be your aim!
- All stratagems, all cunning wiles,
- The settlers fail not to employ;
- For when the springing maize-field smiles,
- Their flocks the tender ears destroy.
- Then trench is dug, and train is led
- Of sprinkled corn along the trail,
- And where the treacherous feast is spread,
- The flock is swept with volleying hail.
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