
26 January 2012

Tree Removal First Step for Omaha Projects

For two projects underway in city of Omaha parks, the first step has been tree removal.

Along Happy Hollow Creek, on the east side of Memorial Park, the channel is going to be stabilized using tons of rock that will be dumped on the banks. Dozens of trees were being removed first.

Levi Carter Park

Massive and ancient cottonwoods were taken down in Levi Carter Park. The area will be used as a large "spoil pile" for earthen material to be dredged from the lake, to increase its depth. Not sure what the Red-bellied Woodpecker in the immediate area thought about the loss of what had formerly been foraging habitat, or even possibly its roost and nest.

Note the size of the tree trunk, in comparison to the equipment which caused its destruction.

View of some fowl as seen from Wavecrest Park

A variety of 12-15 species of waterfowl have been typical each day during the recent weeks. The bird use continues despite some periods of cold and just a small area of water that is not ice-covered.