
10 September 2012

Grange Resolves to Protect Indigenous Birds

Rising Star Grange.

Resolution in Regard to the Killing of Indigenous Birds.

Peru, August 9, 1875.
Editor Nebraska Advertiser.

Would you please publish the following preamble and resolutions adopted by Rising Star Grange at its August meeting.

Wm. Bridge, Sec.

Whereas, We believe that all the birds that are indigenous to this state are the farmer's friend, inasmuch as they wage an incessant warfare on those insects that prey upon our fruit and grain; and

Whereas, It is a common practice of sundry persons in our community to wantonly kill or frighten the birds; and

Whereas, There is a law on our statute books against the killing of insectivorous birds; and that we recognize the prairie hen and quail as belonging to said class of birds; therefore be it

Resolved by the members of Rising Star Grange that we will seen that every violation of the law coming to our notice is reported to the proper authorities for punishment.

And further — Be it resolved that we request the farmers of this county to co-operate with us in this matter.

Thos. J. Rossin[?],
Emor Lash,
Wm. Bridge,
August 12, 1875. Nebraska Advertiser 20(7): 3. Issued at Brownville.

This is one of the first known efforts by a group of Nebraskans to actively promote the protection of native birds.