The Approach of Spring - An 1852 Poem
Written in a Lawyer's Office.
- Whereas, on certain boughs and sprays,
- Now divers birds are heard to sing,
- And sundry flowers their heads upraise
- Hail to the coming on of spring!
- The songs of those said birds arouse
- The memory of our youthful hours,
- As green as those said sprays and boughs,
- As fresh and sweet as those said flowers.
- The birds aforesaid happy pairs
- Love, mid the aforesaid bough enshrines
- In freehold nests; themselves, their heirs,
- Administrators and assigns.
- Oh, busiest term of Cupid's court,
- Where tender plaintiff actions bring
- Season of frolic and of sport,
- Hail, as aforesaid, coming spring!
June 23, 1852. Grand River Times 1(51): 1.