
14 May 2014

Remarkable Pigeon Roost - Forty Acres in a Valley

Near Macon, Miss., is a remarkable pigeon roost. It embraces an area of forty acres, in a valley surrounded by precipitous hills. A creek spreads over it, covering most of the surface with water from one to five feet deep. There is all over it a thick growth of cane, vines, bushes and saplings, which, with the quicksands, muck and water, constitute it an absolutely impenetrable morass. It is a wonderful instint that prompted the birds to select this, the most secure and safest of all places in the whole region, for their lodging-house. Between sunset and dark pigeons come in from all quarters in immense numbers, darkening the heavens and producing a roaring noise that can be heard two or three miles.

January 18, 1883. A pigeon roost - forty acres. Williamsport Daily Gazette and Bulletin 14(16): 2. Also: April 7, 1883 in Washington D.C. Bee 1(35): 4. Transcribed text from Bee article.