
05 August 2015

Donation Finances Improvements at Memorial Park

New plants now adorn the south entrance to the rose garden at Memorial Park in Omaha.

Omaha Parks and Recreation Department "removed some huge, overgrown Juniper shrubs last year that were declining," said Patrice Slaven, a parks planner. "There was a desire to create a formal entry planting to the rose garden."

"Dr. John Sage, an avid supporter and volunteer at the rose garden over the years, donated over $40,000 to do the plantings and other landscape improvements" on the south side of the main Monument, Slaven said.

The species planted were the Taylor Juniper, Little Devil Ninebark, Everlow Yew, Pink Princess Crabapple and White Pine, Slaven said.

"The project provides an attractive entrance to the garden, which is the location of many weddings," Slaven said. "The regularly spaced junipers, when fully grown, will provide a dramatic entrance to reinforce the formality of the rose garden layout."

The park improvement project occurred in the last week of May, Slaven said.

A portion of the new plants at Memorial Park. Photo taken July 31, 2015.