
18 May 2014

Great Flocks and Millions of Pigeons in New York

The Lake Shore Country Full of Pigeons.

Rochester Express yesterday: — Great flocks of pigeons were seen flying over the city this morning. We learn that the woods along the Lake Shore, east and west of Rochester, and south of the city are full of them. A large number of sportsmen started out in different directions last evening and this morning. Wild geese and ducks were seen in the smaller streams back from the lake. Plover are also plenty.

Millions of Pigeons.

Watertown Dispatch: — The woods about the lake shore swarm with pigeons. Ellisburg is alive with them. They are evidently nesting in the vicinity of Mannsville. Prompt measures should be taken by sportsmen's clubs and others to see that they are not molested during their nesting.

April 12, 1876. Oswego Daily Palladium, page 4.