
18 May 2014

Pigeons in New York State

Flocks of pigeons miles in length have been flying over Watertown during the last three days. Some of the larger flocks went over this morning. It is believed that they will not nest in this vicinity. We understand that in Ellisburgh, Lorraine, Worth, Rodman and other town, "the woods are full of them," as it were, and that capturing them with nets has commenced. It is a good time for our sportsmen's clubs to organize pigeon shoots. The Oswego Palladium of yesterday said: "From six to seven o'clock this morning the air was almost darkened by immense flocks of pigeon, the noise of whose wings sounded like a strong wind. They were flying rather his an in a northerly direction. Some are said to have been shot on Orphan Asylum hill." — Watertown Times.

April 18, 1876. Pigeons. Little Falls Journal and Courier 13(16): 2.