This is a view of Carter Lake from where the Sandy Griswold bird sanctuary sign should be placed.
Notice how it presents a basically unadulterated view, similar to what the place might have looked at the time when Griswold was active in bird conservation efforts. It even looks somewhat similar to what the river channel may have looked like in former times, before the lake was cutoff from the river channel, by natural water action, not because of any human influence.
This sort of view is seriously threatened by the so-called "lake improvement" efforts supported by government officials, some with "single-purpose" attitudes, rather than a comprehensive approach. As plans are now it would not be possible, once the work occurs, to ever get a naturalistic scene to enjoy because the banks will be covered with rocks and senseless groins - because people don't like to fish from the bank - will intrude into the water space.
Now is the time to enjoy this sort of a scene at the lake because as soon as public officials can, they will alter it forever.
This is a view of Canada geese on the industrial lawn at Levi Carter Park. The picture has been altered just as public officials have and will continue to drastically alter the place and the lake.