22 February 2013

Bird Coloring Contest Held by Niobrara Council

The Niobrara Council recently announced the winners of their first ever bird coloring contest, held in conjunction with the Great Backyard Bird Count, in mid-February.

There were 86 entries, said Michelle Garwood, representing the council staff. The species selected for Preschool was the Red-headed Woodpecker; the American Robin and Wood Thrush for Kindergarten to 2nd grade, and the male and female American Goldfinch for grades 3-5. These species were "selected because they live in the area. And then selected by grade level based on the technical difficulty of the coloring sheets as well as the difficulty of research (i.e. K-2 had two species to identify, older kids had to realize that male and female had different colors in their species)."

"Schools represented were Valentine (public and Zion Lutheran) and Springview as well as home school students," Garwood said. "It was open to all children in the Niobrara National Scenic River area (including the communities of Ainsworth and Bassett)."

Winning pictures of the American Goldfinch. All images courtesy of the Niobrara Council.

A kickoff for the contest was held during an open house at the Council offices, during the annual Valentine Bull Bash.

There were 86 entries, said Michelle Garwood, representing the council staff. The species selected for Preschool was the Red-headed Woodpecker; the American Robin and Wood Thrush for Kindergarten to 2nd grade, and the male and female American Goldfinch for grades 3-5. Each sheet included the birds' scientific name and seasonal range.

These species were "selected because they live in the area. And then selected by grade level based on the technical difficulty of the coloring sheets as well as the difficulty of research (i.e., K-2 had two species to identify, older kids had to realize that male and female had different colors in their species)."

"Schools represented were Valentine (public and Zion Lutheran) and Springview as well as home school students," Garwood said. "It was open to all children in the Niobrara National Scenic River area (including the communities of Ainsworth and Bassett)."

A kickoff for the contest was held during an open house at the Council offices, during the annual Valentine Bull Bash.

Winners were:

Preschool: Rylee Ward - 1st Place
Grades K-2: Raden Orton - 1st Place, Alyssa Schubauer - 2nd Place, Baillee Palmer - 3rd Place
Grades 3-5: Brandon Mundorf - 1st Place, Summer Mayhew - 2nd Place, Jenna Cox - 3rd Place

Judges — Niobrara Council staff — looked "closely at the accuracy of the bird markings and colors and then at neatness and attention to detail," when making their selections, Gardwood said. "First place winners received a ribbon, certificate and bird feeder with seed."

Winning pictures of the American Robin and Wood Thrush.

Picture of goldfinch, by winner Alexandra Taylor, Grade 12.

Pictures were returned to the entrants, Garwood said.