10 May 2018

Wildbirds Die Due to Collisions With Spinning Blades of Wind Turbines

Wildbirds Die Due to Collisions With Spinning Blades of Industrial Wind Turbines

Wind Turbine Facilities Destroy Distinct Habitat Essential for Wildbirds

Industrial wind turbines should not be built in Cherry County, a land internationally recognized as a haven for hundreds of species of appreciated and vital wildbirds and many other sorts of fauna and flora, as based upon decades of scientific records and efforts of so many appreciative people

Elect a county commissioner candidate that will say no to industrial wind turbines in Cherry County and prevent the destruction of habitats where wildbirds thrive

My vote will be for two leaders, Michael C. Young and James B. Ward who have publicly stated they would just say NO to industrial wind turbines

Paid for by James E. Ducey, Valentine; a birder that has traveled throughout the Great American Sand Hills since 1982 to learn about wildbirds, and which has resulted in an appreciation of the many important natural resources in the regions. These assets need to be recognized now so they can be present for future generations.

May 9, 2018. [Wildbirds die due to collisions with spinning blades of wind turbines.] Valentine Midland News 46(45): 11. A paid advertisement. The cost was $108.