Signs designating a natural wildlife area have been placed at a small tract of land within Levi Carter Park. The site is at the northwest corner of the park, and includes a pond, woods and some relict grasslands along the railroad track.
Three signs were placed on the same posts where other signage indicates that off-road vehicles are not allowed. The new signs installed in the past few days say: Natural Wildlife Area Do Not Disturb.
For bird survey purposes, this site will now be known as the Northwest Pond Natural Wildlife Area. The area was first visited at the end of May, 2011, and has been especially surveyed during 2012-13. There have been 68 different bird species noted at this wild haven.
During the most recent visit, a mattress and a tire were pulled from among the trees and placed near the curb for proper disposal. During a couple of visits, unwanted invasive cedar trees have been cut or pulled to prevent their becoming established.
The portion of the area along the adjacent streets will continue to be mowed. With the placement of large tree trunks to prevent vehicle access, the formerly disturbed trailways are slowly reverting to a vegetated condition.
A request for this designation was made at the June meeting of the Omaha Parks advisory board.