14 May 2014

Large Pigeon Roost Near Kilbourn City in Wisconsin

Pigeons have made a large roost near Kilbourn City, Wis. An item from that place says: "The slaughter of pigeons in this vicinity is fabulous. W.H.H. Cash, the big-eyed mogul for an almighty dollar, is here from New Lisbon. He as four men packing birds in barrels at the freight house and 400 dozen are awaiting the night express for eastern markets. Large amounts of the delicious eating are expected to-night from Plainville. Over twenty pigeon trappers arrived at this station. The harvest has just begun and bids fair to last several days. One man hauled in a wagon load of 160 dozen, and took the cast at 75 cents per dozen — all fruit of one day's labor with a few hands and a net.

June 7, 1882. [Large pigeon roost near Kilbourn City in Wisconsin.] New Ulm Weekly Review 5(28): 2.