16 May 2014

Greenville Visited by Myriads of Wild Pigeons

Greenville. Dec. 8. — During the last two or three weeks, this section of country has been visited with myriads of wild Pigeons. On last Wednesday, in the morning and evening, there were many flocks of these birds passing over our town, which seemed to extend for miles in length, and from one-half to a mile in breadth. They frequently looked like dark clouds moving through the air, and were visible in several directions at the same time. We have seen some almost incredible accounts of "Pigeon Roosts" in Illinois, but since we have no indications to doubt but that the statements of our Western friends is correct. It is supposed that the heavy crop of acorns, which now load our forests, has attracted this host of strangers. Our marksmen have had fine sport among them, but it seems that their number cannot be thinned.

December 22, 1837. Pigeons. Richmond Enquirer 34(66): 4.