15 May 2014

Numbers of Wild Pigeons at Quebec

Quebec, June 27.

The number of wild pigeons which have made their appearance in this neighborhood now exceeds any other for many years past. They are sold as low as 2d; and 4d. per dozen is commonly asked for. The pigeons pass in numerous flocks early in the morning, and afford great amusement to the sportsmen. Upwards of one hundred persons with guns, place themselves on heights outside of St. John's and St. Lewis Gates, and during a few hours the whole air resounds with a close succession of discharges.

July 10, 1822. [Numbers of wild pigeons at Quebec.] Independent Chronicle and Boston Patriot 56 (4300): 4. Issued July 10, 1822. Also July 16 in Richmond Enquirer, with brief accounts on price paid in several other newspapers.