15 May 2014

Pigeon Reports From New York State

The Rochester paper states that on the 12th ult. from 9 o'clock in the morning until 2 in the afternoon, immense flocks of Pigeons, extending as far as the eye could reach, were almost continually passing over that village, going to the south. A few of them were taken, and found to be very fat the circumstances had attracted much attention, as it is uncommon to see birds of passage on their journey at this season of the year.

January 7, 1819. Salem Northern Post 15(763): 3.

Large flocks of pigeons have been seen in the vicinity of this place within the last few days.

February 11, 1819. [Large flocks of pigeons at Cherry valley.] Cherry Valley Gazette 1(19): 3.

Large Flocks of Pigeons at Albany

Troy, Feb. 16.

On Wednesday last, in Albany, the thermometer in a northern aspect rose to 59; and large flocks of pigeons were seen flying to the north.

February 23, 1819. [Large flocks of pigeons at Albany.] Alexandria Gazette 19(5469): 2.

Hundreds of Pigeons Fly Over Troy

Mr. Buel — By giving the following facts an insertion in your paper, you will oblige a number of your subscribers:

The late remarkable winter has given rise to the following curious incongruity of circumstances. On the 10th day of last February, loaded wagons were seen to pass and repass the river on the ice opposite the city of Troy; and at the same time, within the distance of eighty rods from the latter place, teams were conveyed and reconveyed over the river in scows and ferry boats. On the same day, hundreds of wild pigeons were seen flying in their native element, the air, in a west and northwest direction — some of them immediately over the heads of some persons that were at that time employed in ploughing, sowing and harrowing in winter grain. But what is much more surprising is, that three days previous to the above related events, a live grasshopper was found skipping about in the open-field, apparently regardless of the wintry season, and in a state of liveliness and activity.

I have here merely related the simple facts, all of which happened within one mile of the city of Troy, without making any comments or observation on them. Should, however, any doubts of the truth of this account remain in your mind, or in that of any of your readers, a line addressed to the subscriber, and left at Gibbonsville post office, will eventually occasion the removal of them.

An inhabitant of Gibbonsville.
Watervliet, March 2, 1819.
March 9, 1819. [Hundreds of pigeons fly over Troy.] Albany Argus 7(639): 3.